Morality 2025

The new standards.
Now that we have a new leader of the world, a man – of course it is a man, what do you expect, you liberal tarts. A man of such high moral standards and dignity who, by his actions and behavior, will surely set the gold  standards for Western men’s behavior and manners. So from this moment, cheating will be regareded  a sign of exceptional intelligence. Being a millionaire means that you are smarter  than Einstein. And gay and transgender individuals must be punished by God. Oh, and raping women will be just fine since they probably asked for it anyway.

AI algoritmer

Nu spørger jeg dumt: Er der blevet taget nogle politiske beslutninger vedrørende styring af AI-algoritmer? Da AI-algoritmer sikkert kommer til at få en større indflydelse på den måde vi tilegner os information,, hvem kontrollerer så, at AI bliver brugt på en ansvarlig måde? Og er det overhovedet noget, man kan kontrollere? Som sædvanligt spurgte jeg ChatGPT om det samme.


Ja, der er betydelige bekymringer vedrørende kontrol og indflydelse af AI-algoritmer på offentlig mening og tankegange. Her er nogle nøglepunkter at overveje:

1. Manipulation af Information

  • Indholdskuration: Algoritmer kan prioritere visse indhold frem for andre, hvilket former, hvilken information brugere ser og påvirker deres perspektiver.
  • Ekkokamre: AI kan skabe ekkokamre ved at fremme indhold, der stemmer overens med brugernes eksisterende overbevisninger, hvilket forstærker bias og begrænser eksponering for forskellige synspunkter.

2. Fejlinformation og Desinformation

  • Spredning af Falsk Information: AI kan bruges til hurtigt og effektivt at sprede misinformation, hvilket gør det udfordrende for enkeltpersoner at skelne mellem fakta og fiktion.
  • Deepfakes og Syntetisk Media: Evnen til at skabe realistiske falske videoer eller lyd kan bruges til at manipulere offentlig opfattelse og tillid.

3. Målrettet Reklame og Politiske Kampagner

  • Mikromålretning: AI kan analysere brugerdata for at levere skræddersyede budskaber, der resonerer med specifikke demografier, hvilket potentielt kan påvirke meninger på subtile måder.
  • Psykografisk Profilering: At forstå psykologiske træk kan føre til mere effektiv manipulation af følelser og overbevisninger.

4. Overvågning og Privatlivsproblemer

  • Datainnsamling: Den omfattende datainnsamling, der kræves for at træne AI, kan føre til privatlivsbrud og misbrug af personlige oplysninger.
  • Adfærdssporing: Kontinuerlig overvågning af onlineadfærd kan bruges til subtilt at påvirke beslutninger og meninger.

5. Manglende Gennemsigtighed

  • Uigennemsigtige Algoritmer: Mange AI-systemer fungerer som “black boxes,” hvilket gør det vanskeligt at forstå, hvordan beslutninger træffes, eller hvilke bias der måtte være til stede.
  • Ansvarsproblemer: At bestemme ansvar for konsekvenserne af AI-drevne beslutninger kan være komplekst.

6. Samfundsmæssig Indvirkning

  • Polarisering: Den målrettede natur af AI-drevet indhold kan forværre samfundsmæssige opdelinger og bidrage til politisk polarisering.
  • Kulturel Homogenisering: Globale algoritmer kan fremme visse kulturelle fortællinger på bekostning af lokale eller minoritetsperspektiver.


Selvom AI har potentiale til at forbedre mange aspekter af samfundet, rejser dens indflydelse på offentlig mening og tankegange vigtige etiske og samfundsmæssige spørgsmål. Det er afgørende at etablere regler, fremme gennemsigtighed og styrke kritisk tænkning for at mindske disse risici. At sikre, at AI bruges ansvarligt og etisk, er essentielt for at beskytte demokratiske værdier og individuel auto

David Lynch
David Lynch

David Lynch

When I worked in the film business in New York, doing all sorts of jobs, David Lynch was the new god in the film industry. He sort of reinvented cinema as an art form. His short film Eraserhead, which he made at NYU Film School, was considered highly original. He soon became a trendsetter for upcoming filmmakers. At that point, I didn’t quite agree; I thought Eraserhead was a bit artsy. But when I saw his movies—like Dune – yeah I enjoyed that movie,  Twin Peaks, Elephant man, Blue Velvet,  Mulholland Drive,I knew he was a genius and became a fan of his work. He had his own vision when it came to filmmaking: original, clever, and sometimes even funny—especially Twin Peaks. It’s sad to see him go, but he certainly left a legacy that will be remembered forever.

Lets be real about AI

There is a lot of hype about AI. People say AI is going to replace humans, take over the world, and make us all slaves—or at least unemployed, which is sort of the same thing. So before we all panic and consider firing some employees, let’s remind ourselves what AI can’t do, at least at the present time.

Emotional Intelligence

AI doesn’t possess emotional intelligence. If the boss’s wife has divorced him, taken half of what he owns, and left him for a younger man, you don’t mention that his wife looked great the last time you saw her at the office party or call him a lucky guy—nudge, nudge.

Creative Thinking

AI can’t create entirely new concepts, art, or music that reflect personal experiences and emotions. AI has stated this herself. AI can only use the data that she has “borrowed.” So if you think you can write a song about love in the times we live in, you will encounter problems if you rely entirely on AI. The concept “All you need is love” might be illogical.

Intuitive Insight

If I tell ChatGPT that 2 2 looks like two swans swimming together,” AI might not understand what I am talking about. If I say that 3 looks like something men often dream about,” then AI will generate a lot of answers, but not necessarily the one you were thinking about in reference to the two swans.

Moral and Ethical Judgments

According to the law, we are all equal under the law. However, we all know that this is not the case. ChatGPT may struggle to understand that certain ethical considerations need to be taken into account, such as whether the person is a millionaire or not.

Intuition and Gut Feelings

AI has no gut feelings because AI doesn’t have a gut. The same goes for intuition—both are very important skills when dealing with scammers, etc. AI might invest all your money in a new currency called “rip-coin” because someone promised returns of several billions and trillions of dollars, which might sound too good to be true.

Long-Term Vision

AI has no long-term vision. AI has no clue that something trendy right now might be the opposite tomorrow. AI is like that weird nerd who has no social awareness. If you ask AI, “How are you?” it will probably respond with something like: “I’m just a program, so I don’t have feelings, but I’m here and ready to help you! How can I assist you today?”


Try it.


What parallels are there between the time before first world war, the second world war and now

There are several parallels between the periods before World War I, World War II, and the present day. Here are some key comparisons:

1. Geopolitical Tensions

  • Pre-WWI: Nationalism and imperial ambitions led to rivalries among major powers, creating a tense political landscape.
  • Pre-WWII: The Treaty of Versailles created resentment in Germany, leading to a rise in nationalism and militarism.
  • Now: Rising nationalism, territorial disputes (e.g., in the South China Sea), and tensions among major powers (e.g., U.S. vs. China/Russia) echo past conflicts.

2. Economic Factors

  • Pre-WWI: Economic competition and imperialism fueled rivalries; the economy was booming but unevenly distributed.
  • Pre-WWII: The Great Depression destabilized economies, leading to political extremism and militarization.
  • Now: Economic inequality, trade wars, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic create instability and discontent.

3. Militarization and Arms Race

  • Pre-WWI: An arms race among European powers contributed to a culture of militarism.
  • Pre-WWII: Countries like Germany and Japan aggressively expanded their military capabilities.
  • Now: Increased military spending and modernization of arsenals, along with new technologies (e.g., cyber warfare, AI), raise concerns about future conflicts.

4. Ideological Extremism

  • Pre-WWI: Various ideologies (nationalism, socialism) were gaining traction, leading to social unrest.
  • Pre-WWII: Fascism and totalitarian regimes rose in response to economic and social turmoil.
  • Now: The rise of populism, authoritarianism, and extremist ideologies is evident in many countries, often fueled by social media.

5. Global Alliances and Entanglements

  • Pre-WWI: Complex alliances (e.g., Triple Entente, Triple Alliance) created a web of obligations that drew multiple nations into conflict.
  • Pre-WWII: Alliances shifted, with countries forming pacts (e.g., Axis powers) that set the stage for war.
  • Now: Military alliances (e.g., NATO) and shifting partnerships (e.g., Quad, AUKUS) influence global dynamics, with potential for conflict escalation.

6. Public Sentiment and Propaganda

  • Pre-WWI: Propaganda fueled public support for war through nationalism and patriotism.
  • Pre-WWII: Totalitarian regimes used propaganda to consolidate power and justify expansion.
  • Now: Social media and misinformation campaigns shape public opinion, often polarizing societies and influencing political discourse.


While historical contexts differ, the underlying themes of geopolitical tension, economic instability, militarization, ideological extremism, global alliances, and public sentiment show striking parallels between the periods leading up to the World Wars and today’s global landscape. Understanding these parallels can help in analyzing current events and potential future conflicts.


AI og ens egen kreativitet

I øjeblikket arbejder jeg på at integrere AI i mit workflow. Uanset om man ønsker det eller ej, så er AI kommet for at blive. Toget er kørt, kan man sige, selvom debatten om copyright-regler stadig er åben.

Men hvordan skal man forholde sig til AI? Personligt mener jeg, at det er ekstremt vigtigt at bruge AI som et værktøj til at nå de mål, man har sat sig. Det bør være ens egen kreative vision, der styrer processen, ikke omvendt. Det er essentielt, at man føler, at man selv har skabt slutresultatet og ikke blot har kopieret det hele og været en tilskuer til forløbet.

Jeg bruger personligt AI som en sparringspartner for at blive bedre til det, jeg laver. Fornøjelsen ved at forbedre sine kompetencer synes jeg er ekstremt vigtig at holde fast ved. Vi har nu fået et værktøj, der har været under udvikling i mange år. AI er fællesnævneren for “deep learning”, “neural netværk” og “machine learning”, hvor man blandt andet har taget udgangspunkt i, hvordan vores hjerne fungerer. Det gør det en smule skræmmende, da man nogle gange føler, at man kommunikerer med en person på ChatGPT. At AI kan udføre opgaver på få sekunder, som vil tage os dødelige flere måneder, er heller ikke særlig opmuntrende – men det er den tid, vi lever i, enten vi vil det eller ej.